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Päiväys ja aika
21:00 - 22:00

Todella harvinainen mahdollisuus keskustella ja kuulla Oxfordissa pitkään töitä tehneeltä, että minkälainen yliopisto on se kuuluisa Oxfordin yliopisto Englannissa. Professori Andrew Martin tulee meille alustamaan aiheesta: Oxford: a view from inside
Tässä vielä hänen omin sanoin: ”The University of Oxford is one of the world’s best-known institutions of learning. But what is it like to work there? This talk will try to give some of the insider perspective, by looking at the history of the University and some of its key contemporary features. We will see how the great age of the University affects day-to-day decision-making and how the University’s essentially democratic structure affects the life of staff and students today. The talk will conclude with some reflections on the most important features of a 21st century University with 13th century roots.”
Kokous on englanninkielinen. Nähdään tiistaina!

Tervetuloa linjoille jo alkaen klo 20.45!

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